Insert Installation Tool

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Product Overview

This tool is specifically designed to aid in installing threaded inserts. It is designed to connect with the slots on our threaded inserts to screw them into place. It is much easier to use than a slotted screwdriver because it won't slide out of place, and won't interfere with the top-sheet as the insert bottoms out.

Designed for use with any 1/4" hex screwdriver.


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  • 4
    Good tool, watch for epoxy buildup

    Posted by Unknown on 13th Mar 2021

    Effortless and powerful tool to set inserts perfectly Tip: If you like to see a bit of epoxy squeeze-out like me, make sure you dip the tool after the job is done in white vinegar to clear any epoxy that could have transferred to the tool, "ramping" the flanges that grip the insert. The consequence of not doing this is a tool that will eventually slip out when screwing down inserts, and you'll be going for a flathead. A little clean up goes a long way. (of course don't let the vinegar find its way to your next epoxy job-- rinse and dry the tool before next use)

  • 3
    The tool works, but strips out really easily

    Posted by Ian G Swope on 6th Apr 2018

    i found this tool useful when I first got it, but the thin and narrow blades quickly got stripped out. I went back to using a bottomed out screw.

  • 3
    Great idea for a tool, but fragile

    Posted by Unknown on 26th Dec 2017

    Excellent tool that is super helpful. However, the little flanges aren't super strong. They're fine for gently turning inserts in and out of freshly tapped holes, but stripped quickly when I tried to remove inserts that had already been epoxied into place (after heating/softening the epoxy, of course). A flathead screwdriver is the right tool for that job.

  • 5
    Good Solution

    Posted by Thom Mackris on 28th May 2017

    For the longest time, I've used the "double nut on a machine screw" method of installing inserts. On skis with particularly robust (dense, hardwood) cores, the screw can lock/bind into the insert on the last turn or two. As you back out the screw, the insert backs out with it. With a bit of finagling (pressing down while unscrewing) you can frequently back the screw out without unscrewing the insert. The option is to remove the screw/insert (all the while, the epoxy is setting), "break" the screw from the insert, and re-install. This tool solves that problem. Previously, I'd never found the right screwdriver blade to install the inserts while avoiding slippage and galling of the insert.

  • 5
    I should have done this earlier

    Posted by John Siemiarowski on 13th Jan 2017

    After struggling to find just the right size screwdriver I finally got the installation tool. I should have done that on the first order. I got it done before but it is so much better now.